Wednesday, October 7, 2009

cantiknya Vie Shantie

Source of the picture : facebook

I am one of the woman on earth who really appreciate for the beauty. Beauty is universal. Everyone has their own opinion about beauty and for me beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is not judged objectively, but according to the beholder's estimation.

Kalau ada orang suka tgk muka Erra, for me, I like to see Vie Shantie, a wife of the actor, Eizlan Yusof. Now I just focus on her beauty, not her story mory pasal benda lain..just her beauty. I want to say that she is one of the beautiful women on the planet.

As I said above, beauty is universal. Ada orang suka yg hitam manis, ada org suka yg berhidung mancung, ada pulak org kata yang gempal berisi tu comel.

Macam2 pendapat...

But for me, every women are beautiful.

Cantiknya Vie Shantie..


Anonymous said...

dia ni memang cun...mulus je kulit dia...putih2 pink gitu..

Ella said...

smlm tgk gambar dia kat pc ko, mmg lawalah dia ni.
mcm minah salleh pun ada.
dia ni kacukan, sbb tu lawa..

nk dpt yg malayu original lawa mcm normala samsudin tu payah.

apapun vie ni mmg cantik..

Julie Shahril said...

k.ila : ye..dia lawa sbb dia tetap lawa..hehe

joy: aku kena buat laser dulu kalo nk dpt kulit mulus mcm tuu..huhu