I have attended One MMC traning for the whole day yesterday at Berjaya Times Square Hotel. This is a very good training for all workers in the world. Yes, I repeat it...IN THE WORLD. No matter who you are, what is your position and where you work, this training has taught us how to be a good employee. For me, this program has opened my eyes to think that not all things we did everyday is right and can make other people comfortable with us. This session reminded me about the Thinking Skill subject. Similar.
I know everybody makes a mistake. We cannot find the Mr/Mrs. Perfect, but as a human, we learned the new thing everyday. Every single day is a new experience for you, learn from it. Learn from our mistakes or learn from our great experiences is the most valuable things in life.
My group and our pintu gerbang We have fun during the training. Makan pun sedap, habis diet aku. Kami diberi permainan Lego untuk membina satu pintu gerbang dgn kos tak lebih dari RM200,000 (termasuk kos upah pekerja). So disini kami diberi peluang how to design the gate dan pastikan badan kami dapat melepasi pintu gerbang tu. Hehehe...seronok. Actually ada lagi game lain yg diberi tapi game ni je yang sempat snap gambar.
Sesi menguji adakah kami dapat melepasi pintu gerbang kecik ni. Buat la apa cara sekali pun asalkan badan dpt lepas the gate..nak merangkak ke, meniarap ke, telentang ke...up to us.
the gate looks 'lembik'...hish..tak mementingkan ciri-ciri keselamatan langsung...ahaks!
Fad and I on the testing session...yup, lepas.
En.Ben and Syikin
the other group..
The training started on Monday to Thursday.We are the last group..
Saya rasa semua bos2 dalam dunia patut menghadiri training macam ni. Sorry to say la, bos selalunya fikir mereka selalu betul walaupun mereka salah. Ada setengah bos pulak suka menyuruh staf buat kerja dlm bentuk 'arahan' yg tegas dan garang. This is not a good attitude boss. Change your bad attitude and peoples will appreciate you. Trust me.
Er..bos saya attended training ni. Well done boss. Er...bos yg sorang lagi kt sebelah sana bila pulak...hikhikhik...
Wah...Mesti ada mkan best ni...he..he..he...
sungguh meriah uoolsss,
khairul: mkn best...biasa la hotel..
tunbegia: meriah dgn game..
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