Dah 12 tahun meninggalkan alam sekolah. I miss the moment when I was a student. I miss my classroom, my teachers, my table, my chair, my food during 30 minutes break at canteen and of course my lovely friends. When people asked me, what is your dream? my answer: my dream is, if I have a power to turn the time back, I will do. But this is impossible to make my dream comes true.
What can I do is, open my album and see all the photos.
And this activity will make me cry.
isk2.. rindu kuih burger malaysia.. air fanta merah.. hish.. giler klasik lah..
oohhh julie, mmg nostalgia kan....masa tu takde kontrol cun ke hape...sume main larong jek...+ dpt kelas yg happening n kite duduk sebaris ngan mamat idaman malaya *tp langsung takde feel kat depa mcm pompuan2 lain okeh*....happy+gosip+gile2+study+ketawa
ju: air fanta merah..baru teringat kat air tu....lupa dah ju...
joy: aku x heran sgt kt mamat idaman malaya tu..hehehe..,a'ah masa tu aku bkn kesah pon psl kontrol cun, jerawat ke, muka itam ke, bdn gemuk ke...ada aku kesah?? hehehe..yg aku tau ketawa+ngumpat+gosip+happy....nostalgia gila....
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