I never talk about politic before. NEVER. But today, I don't want to talk about politic, but the behavior of the politically obsessed.
I am a human who did not mind which party you choose. It is their right.
One day, someone asked me the question:
"Celcom ada problem ke? kenapa tak boleh call/sms ni?"
Then I replied: "Entah, ye kot". I look at my handphone, it was ok. Ya ada line.
But someone else has to give her answer like bullshit:
"Memang celcom takde line sebab berada dibawah pondok Umno"
Oh my oh my...ohh ya Allah, I was very surprised by the answer and I think that is the most stupid answer in the world.
Guys, as I mentioned above, it doesn't matter which party you choose, but please don't give an answer like Cow. If you choose PAS, then I don't mind. If you choose PKR, it is not my problem. If you choose Umno, it's up to you.
But don't relate other problem with politic. This is so stupid.
Kucing kau mati kena langgar kereta, salah Umno?
Ikan gapi kau mati terbongkang dalam akuarium, salah PAS?
Rumah kau banyak nyamuk sampai anak kau kena demam denggi, salah PKR?
Telefon kau rosak sebab jatuh terhempas, salah DAP?
Think about it.
hoho gila saya suka entri nih. selalu jd silent reader je. harini terpaksa menyampuk sebab sy ketawa berdekah2..
very2 nice thought! saya suka kesinisan anda
cinta: terima kasih sbb setuju dgn saya :)
hartini: hai awak..thanks yer baca blog sy.tak sangka pulak ada silent reader, hehe. blog ni merapu jek.
saya sinis? kdg2 kita terpaksa sinis sikit utk menyedarkan org :)
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