Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Diam lebih baik

Sometimes silence is the best way to solve the problem. This is what I feel now, dan saya akan kekalkan cara ini. Sampai bila? Saya sendiri pun tak pasti. Dalam persahabatan, ia banyak menguji kesabaran. Dari situ juga kita akan kenal the true color of our friends. Mungkin saya banyak tersilap kata dalam persahabatan yg menyebabkan berlakunya banyak konflik yg agak menyakitkan. Saya cuba jadi yg terbaik walaupun saya tahu saya tak mampu. Mungkin saya banyak melakukan kesilapan tanpa sedar. Saya tak mampu untuk menggembirakan dan memahami mereka. Dalam hal ini, saya kalah.

What I've learned about friendship?

  • I've learned that there are many good friends around, but true best friends are hard to come by.
  • I've learned that sometimes you love a best friend more than a boyfriend.
  • I've learned that a best friend is more important than a boyfriend.
  • I've learned that you can do something or nothing with a best friend and still have the best time.
  • I've learned that a true friendship has many memories, both good and bad, but all important.
  • I've learned that sometimes the most used part of a best friend is the shoulder you cry on, and the shoulder you are willing to lend.
  • I've learned that when a best friend is happy, you find yourself happy too, even when it has nothing to do with you.
  • I've learned that a best friend's family soon feels like your own.
  • I've learned that the only one who truly understands is a true friend.
  • I've learned that nothing ever sounds stupid, funny, or unbelievable to a best friend, and you never feel stupid saying whatever it is.
  • I've learned that sometimes it feels like a best friend is the only one who will ever care about you and think you are beautiful in your own way.
  • I've learned that you always have that something extra to give to a best friend in need, and can count on that in return.
  • I've learned that your heart is forever touched by a true friend, no matter how things end up.
  • I've learned that when your heart has been broken, a best friend is the best band-aid for it.
  • I've learned that a best friend will call you in the middle of the night to talk without thinking, and it's OK.
  • I've learned that in many cases, a hug and a kind word from a best friend is the only thing that helps get you through the day.
  • I've learned that a best friend would stick up for you no matter what the consequences are.
  • I've learned that best friends can sing at the top of their lungs and not worry about singing the wrong words or being out of tune.
  • I've learned that best friends stay up all night and on the phone for hours talking without even realizing it.
  • I've learned that a best friend can tell the difference between a silly crush, and more than that.
  • I've learned that sometimes a best friend is all you have.
  • I've learned that sometimes you wonder how she knew, but then you realize that's just how close you are.
  • I've learned that when you are true best friends, everyone else knows it.
  • I've learned that, most importantly of all, best friends will always be best friends, no matter what is happening in their lives, where they are, or what they are doing. A best friend is irreplaceable. This is the most important thing I could have ever been taught by a best friend.

Untuk sahabat saya, saya minta maaf jika:

- Saya tak dapat menggembirakan anda
- Saya tak dapat memahami hati dan perasaan anda
- Saya tak dapat memahami masalah anda
- Saya selalu membuatkan anda marah
- Saya ada menyakitkan hati anda tanpa sedar
- Saya tak dpt memberi pendapat atau nasihat yg baik ketika anda memerlukannya
- Mungkin saya penyebab sering berlakunya pertelingkahan sehingga membawa pergaduhan
- Saya sudah hilangkan kepercayaan yg diberikan

Sahabat itu umpama dua biji mata, selalu melakukan kerja bersama2, tidur bersama, berkelip bersama, menangis bersama, menjeling bersama, pejam dan celik pun bersama walau hakikatnya dua biji mata itu tak pernah pun melihat antara satu sama lain sepjg hayatnya.

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