After make a survey for which camera is suitable for me, finally I make a decision to choose Digital IXUS 870 IS from Canon. I bought it with the price RM1399 with 3 years warranty and 1 year insuran cover. They also gave me 4GB memory card for free, but I asked them if they could give me 8GB memory card (demand la plak). She (the sale assistant) said:
"Akak kena tambah RM50 kalau nak yg 8GB, tu kira murah la kak, kalau nak beli lain kali mahal.."
So after thinking for a while, I agreed to add RM50 for 8GB memory card. I chose silver color because there is only have 2 color for us to choose : silver and gold. I chose silver. I read the specification of this camera before I make a decision + asked an advises from friend + asked the suggestion from sale assistant. You can read the specification of the Digital IXUS 870 IS here.
Saya belum baca habis buku manual kamera ini sebab saya malas membaca.Haha. Tapi saya kena baca juga kerana saya ada masalah tak boleh install CD yang ada dalam tu. Saya pun tak tahu kenapa. Bila saya masukkan CD untuk install, satu box appear dan dia kata tak boleh install. yang leceh. Apa kena dengan pc saya ni? Saya baru terfikir nak upload gambar yang saya snap semalam semasa jogging di pusat reakriasi Bukit Jalil. Saya saja nak tengok macam mana rupa gambar tu, terang ke tak, cantik ke tak. Tapi semuanya hampa. But never mind, saya akan cuba install kat opis..hahaha.
Tak sabar nak tunggu hari esok..
"Akak kena tambah RM50 kalau nak yg 8GB, tu kira murah la kak, kalau nak beli lain kali mahal.."
So after thinking for a while, I agreed to add RM50 for 8GB memory card. I chose silver color because there is only have 2 color for us to choose : silver and gold. I chose silver. I read the specification of this camera before I make a decision + asked an advises from friend + asked the suggestion from sale assistant. You can read the specification of the Digital IXUS 870 IS here.
Saya belum baca habis buku manual kamera ini sebab saya malas membaca.Haha. Tapi saya kena baca juga kerana saya ada masalah tak boleh install CD yang ada dalam tu. Saya pun tak tahu kenapa. Bila saya masukkan CD untuk install, satu box appear dan dia kata tak boleh install. yang leceh. Apa kena dengan pc saya ni? Saya baru terfikir nak upload gambar yang saya snap semalam semasa jogging di pusat reakriasi Bukit Jalil. Saya saja nak tengok macam mana rupa gambar tu, terang ke tak, cantik ke tak. Tapi semuanya hampa. But never mind, saya akan cuba install kat opis..hahaha.
Tak sabar nak tunggu hari esok..
tahniah dh ada kamera! pasni gambar mesti power2...
tu la...saya tgh giler amek gambar skg nih...mane2 pegi mesti nak snap..
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