Tuesday, July 7, 2009

work under pressure is not good for our health ;-)

I had mentioned at the right side of my blog that I able to work under pressure. After a few months I was thinking about that, I finally revealed that it's totally wrong. Why?


My boss came to me last week, asked a few questions regarding HVAC issue. Soalannya bertalu-talu, bertubi-tubi dan saya rasa macam nak mati. Two of my colleagues sit in front of me and beside me heard and saw the situation. Saya tahu diaorang dengar tapi buat-buat macam tak dengar. Standard la tu, aku pun selalu buat gitu..hehe. Lepas kena tembak dengan bos bertubi-tubi, datang la Azizul. He saved me. Oh thanks a lot to you. He came at the right time and he was covered all the questions from bos. Actually the answer for all questions is very easy if we know how to answer. Dan saya rasa bodoh sangat waktu tu. Tapi saya pikir balik, eh...aku tak bodoh la, cuma aku belum cukup ilmu nak jawab (ayat penyedap hati dan perasaan). Sebenarnya saya memang selalu bagi jawapan bodoh bagi soalan yang saya rasa tak tau apa nak jawab. At least I answered the question rite?

Ok, back to the issue. Lepas bos blah dari situ, Azizul selaku saya punya HVAC sifu duduk kat sebelah utk upacara pembelajaran. Then he asked me with smile, "Kena pressure ngn bos ke?". Good question, and I smiled back to him and said "A'ah...bosan la". Dengan suara seakan nak menenangkan fikiranku, Azizul berkata dengan halus dan perlahan:

"Rileks...jgn keje under pressure, nanti lagi tak paham. Keje kena rilek baru paham.."

Yes. I agree with him. Work under pressure makes me more stress and I could not focus on my job. Besides I still in learning process in HVAC and please don't compare me with the senior who has 6, 8 or 10 yrs experiences. I did piping and I only know about piping and still learning about that eventho I had involved a year in piping side. I know we should learn more and more but my opinion is learning in practically is better than we sit and just read the book or notes. Read the theory is good but this is not the best way to us to fast learning and improve our technical skill. I prefer to 'on job training' because we can involve the real project and do the real paperwork. On that time we can think why, when, how, what and where. And I prefer go for 2 or 3 days training compared to ask the senior to teach me from A to Z. They're busy and I don't like to make the interruption.

Sebenarnya pressure masa keje tu perkara biasa tapi tak bagus. Sebab itu kita kena buat keje mengikut schedule atau lebih cepat dari schedule. Masalah memang sentiasa ada but we have to know how to handle and solve it. We have more experiences with more troubles but in the middle of that, we're standing in 2 sides: Accept the troubles and solve it or go one step back and we lose.

Menyelesaikan masalah sama seperti belajar matematik, buat sambil berfikir tapi jangan kelam kabut, guna rumus dan formula yang betul supaya dapat jawapan yang betul, kerana jika silap formula salah lah jawapannya.

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