Thursday, April 28, 2011


I received a piece of wedding invitation card from one of my friend, Intan. The black and red color card was given by her fiance this morning. So surprised! They will be married on this coming June.

I know they are too shy to share their great news.

Congratulation to both of them.


NHA said...


Julie Shahril said...
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Julie Shahril said...

fiza: shy shy kittie..pada aku shy la,kalo x buat apa brcinta sorok2

Kay said...

hmmm... mungkin jga, sbb masa bg kad kat aku, takdep un ckp, ni la orgnya...

Julie Shahril said...

kay: mgkin dia x tau mcm mana nk bgtau kot...

Gerb said...

Muka diorang look alike. :)

Kay said...

btul Meeza!

Julie Shahril said...

miza/Kay: sbb tu mereka ada jodoh,slalu org kata kalo muka seiras maknanya ada kata la...