Tuesday, August 4, 2009

fever & back pain

Saya rasa sgt tak selesa. I'm not suppose to come to opis today. I am not in the good of mood. Sepatutnya I stay at home and sleep because I got a fever!

Demam ini tak terlalu teruk tapi cukup buat rasa kurang selesa bila belakang badan sakit. Duduk salah, baring salah. Apa perlu buat? Mata rasa nak terkatup.

My mom and fren asked me to check with doctor but I just ignore it. I think this is not a heavy fever. Boleh gitu? Aku mmg stubborn. So what is the reason why I don't want to see a doctor? The reason is :

Demam ini hanya dtg sesekali, biasanya malam hari. Masa tu la badan rasa panas. I woke up and took a panadol, then sleep. Bila bangun pagi esok badan rasa mcm ok, badan pun tak panas lagi. Saya agak kalau jumpa doktor mesti doktor kata...ni demam sikit je...tak pyh MC la.

That's the reason why I hate to see a doctor. Dan demam ni pon mcm pelik, nape dia dtg malam je? But currently when I am typing in this blog, my back is feel uncomfortable. Sungguh...aku rasa nak tido. Dan pagi tdi terpaksa alas bantal kt blkg badan masa tgh drive utk cover sakit. Kepala toksah citer la mcm mana melayangnya rasa...bagai di awangan.



~SuFiE~ said...

Salam..sian nya kak julie demam..dah elok lom..??tu demam nk besar kot..
anyway..birthday kak julie arinih ek..??
kalau tak silap saya laa...-Happy Birthday, Semoga Allah Melindungi kak julie-

Julie Shahril said...

ye sufi..aku dh 29 thn dah...
time kasih atas ucapan..
terharu lak rasanye..