When I was a child, I think my life is so wonderful. Life is full of happiness and we always laughing all the times from early morning until late in the night. We need friends for play together. Basically we have 2 or 3 groups or colleagues. One group play soccer or guli, the other group play kites in the middle of padang sekolah and the other one group play kawin-kawin or masak-masak. Nice huh? The 80's children (including me) didn't know what is the PS2 or internet. We only know the games around our village such as main guli, baling selipar, korek tanah buat lubang utk main congkak, main layang-layang, and for girl who too girly, they're play anak patung and masak-masak.
Mukhsin movie reminded me about that. Credit to the storyteller and director Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad.
Walaupun kehidupan zaman kanak-kanak saya tidak sehebat mana, tapi ia tetap kenangan paling seronok dalam hidup yang saya rasa kanak-kanak zaman sekarang tidak lagi melaluinya. Saya tak pasti budak2 skrg tahu main guli? tahu apa itu main baling selipar? yang diaorang tahu main game kat komputer termasuk lah adik saya sendiri. Dekat rumah saya ada berpuluh CD games yang saya sendiri tak tahu macam mana nak main sebab saya bukan peminat games komputer. Adik saya lebih terer dari saya, mcm mana tuh?Saya cuma suka main games lumba kereta Daitona.Hehe.
I hope there will be another 'Yasmin' to create the true life story about Malaysian. We shouldn't make a movie only for Malay, but also for all Malaysians. This is we call masyarakat majmuk.
And for this year, I'm gonna miss the TV commercial for Merdeka and Hari Raya.
Mukhsin movie reminded me about that. Credit to the storyteller and director Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad.
Walaupun kehidupan zaman kanak-kanak saya tidak sehebat mana, tapi ia tetap kenangan paling seronok dalam hidup yang saya rasa kanak-kanak zaman sekarang tidak lagi melaluinya. Saya tak pasti budak2 skrg tahu main guli? tahu apa itu main baling selipar? yang diaorang tahu main game kat komputer termasuk lah adik saya sendiri. Dekat rumah saya ada berpuluh CD games yang saya sendiri tak tahu macam mana nak main sebab saya bukan peminat games komputer. Adik saya lebih terer dari saya, mcm mana tuh?Saya cuma suka main games lumba kereta Daitona.Hehe.
I hope there will be another 'Yasmin' to create the true life story about Malaysian. We shouldn't make a movie only for Malay, but also for all Malaysians. This is we call masyarakat majmuk.
And for this year, I'm gonna miss the TV commercial for Merdeka and Hari Raya.
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