Monday, June 20, 2011

dialog with client

Dialog 1:

Julie: Excuse me En. Wan, do you want to stop our meeting for awhile for lunch or want to continue to finish it?

En.Wan: No. I want to continue, I have another meeting after this, unless MMC provide us a pack of lunch..(sambil senyum).

Julie: Oh, no we don't provide lunch.

En.Wan: I have to provide lunch by myself. Ermmm...MMC...biasa la tuuu (sambil senyum sinis)

Julie: (Bengang..)

Dialog 2:

En.Wan: Okay...lets continue for the next item (refer to CDBM issue in the report that need to discuss).

Julie: Ok. Next item is item no..bla...bla...bla.....(terus cakap pasal our decision instead of finding).

En.Wan: Cakap la finding dulu....!!! (dengan suara keras)

Julie: (Bengang lagi..) dalam hati aku cakap this is my 1st meeting with client handle by myself so I have no idea what to say first, could you speak politely with me? Oh...he never know that and who's care kan...

Dialog 3:

En.Jalil: So I have to revise all those things in the report, redo it? how about MMC?

En.Wan: You do your part, if MMC disagree with this, then this is MMC issue. Show your independent, you have to be an independent. MMC is MMC. Itu lain cerita (sambil memandang aku dan from MMC or GL?

Julie: MMC....(sambil senyum tak ikhlas).

En.Wan: (Ketawa)

Team LDR ni especially En.Wan sangat lantang bersuara dan sinis dalam berkata-kata. Apa yg saya nampak ketara, masa bos ada, dia tak cakap sinis pun even bos banyak bidas dia, bila bos keluar je terus dia hentam aku cukup-cukup, mentang2 la aku tak pandai nak bercakap. Damn! superduper bullshit.


SuzieLAWAti said...

sabo yer....bila dah pandai nnti ko hentam dia pulak...

kfaisal said...

ko tabik pakai jari tengah je orang camtuh..

Julie Shahril said...

ksu: xpe...x kesahhh...

kam: bgus la idea tuh..nti aku praktik kan...hehe

Ajamahiyaa said...

kak yie...masa saya baru masuk keje..saya dihujani dgn soklan2 yg sah2 maklumat itu hanya boleh didapati oleh saya xtau..pastu seorg manager INdia menjerit kpd saya...'HEYYY UUU! STUPID SILLY GIRL!!!" perggghhhh~ kene tampo keling nih kang...rasa nk resign masa tuh jugak..hahahha...then...sedar2 da 3thn masih bertahan...mari sama2 berusaha~ lalalala~

Julie Shahril said...

aja: aish...teruknya smpai pggil org mcm tu,x patut. sdg berusaha la ni tp makin lama makin boring...rasa nak lari.